Increasing Efficiency and Cost Savings in App Development with AI Tools and No-Code

Cristianto Rian Tarra
3 min readJun 4, 2023
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

The landscape of app development is constantly evolving, with new technologies reshaping the way we work. One recent change that merits consideration is the adoption of AI Tools and no-code solutions. Through a real-life story, we can observe how the use of AI Tools and no-code techniques can enhance efficiency and reduce costs in app development. This narrative is penned by Ab Advany, the founder of, based in the Netherlands, who recently supervised a project. In this article, we will explore how the decision to embrace AI Tools and no-code approaches led to surprising results and valuable lessons.

The Story of Alex and Hamid, the Programmers:
Advany hired two programmers, Alex and Hamid, to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a software application. Advany had previously collaborated with both programmers, each possessing different skill sets. However, the outcomes of their work left Advany astonished. Hamid, utilizing AI Tools and no-code techniques, completed his tasks in just one week, while Alex, adhering to conventional coding practices, accomplished only around 7% of his tasks in the same timeframe.

Hamid’s Advantages in Using AI Tools and No-Code:
Leveraging his expertise in integrating various tools like @Bubble, Cloudflare…



Cristianto Rian Tarra

Tech entrepreneur and IT leader. Focusing on tech solutions and leadership for business growth. Sharing insights on Medium.